ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ has a strong Christian foundation, and this lies at the heart of our approach to meeting this responsibility. As a Christian school, the wellbeing and safety of our students are paramount. At ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ we seek to provide an environment that is dynamic, inclusive, and effective in the delivery of quality education and outstanding co-curricular opportunities, while also teaching the importance of embodying tolerance, compassion, and grace to our students, as they walk through life and build community.
At ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ, our culture and faith environment take child safeguarding very seriously and we seek to always provide an environment of safety, caring, collaboration and transparency when dealing with children, young adults, staff, volunteers and families. We have zero tolerance for abuse of any kind, bullying, threatening behaviour or any practices of endangerment.
We are continuing to build a culture of proactive care, endeavouring to ensure that opportunities for wrongdoing are removed, and the prevention of abuse and harmful behaviours underpins all practices across the school. It is of utmost importance to ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ that we excel in upholding our duty of care to our students. To this end, we also ensure that we are compliant and educate ourselves continually around our legislative and safeguarding responsibilities duties under the guidelines of the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian, thus and providing peace of mind to all families, and the community, that students at ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ are respected, heard and safe.
Everyone in the ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ community is aware of the grave consequences abuse, bullying and unsafe practices can have on children and young people and how these carry into later life.
It is our commitment to our students to provide a safe environment in which all may thrive and grow toward a bright future.